Sarsha Mather

Family law issues can be complex and sensitive. During an emotional time, many people find the Court process complicated and overwhelming. If you find yourself in a situation where a dispute has arisen about family matters, it is important to have some confidential, professional legal advice available to you. Sarsha has had many years experience specialising in family law and can help you navigate through the Court process or provide advice about whether entering the Court process is the right step for you to take.
Approved Lead Provider in Family Legal Aid
Specialising in the following areas, Sarsha regularly appears in Court and offers practical and realistic advice.
If you are in, or have been in a close personal relationship with someone who has been abusive towards you, you can apply for a Protection Order against that person. The Court recognises all forms of violence, including physical, verbal, emotional, sexual or financial abuse. Depending on your situation, you may be able to make this application on an urgent basis and ask that the Court make a temporary protection order on the same day that you file your application.
Alternatively, you may have been served with an application for a Protection Order made against you. In those circumstances, it is important that you seek legal advice about the options available to you if you wish to defend that application.
If you are involved in a dispute about care arrangements for your children, you can apply to the Court for a Parenting Order. In some circumstances, this application may be filed on an urgent basis, for example, where safety issues are involved. If an urgent application is not required, you would normally need to attend a Parenting through Separation Course and Family Dispute resolution to try and resolve the dispute before coming to the Family Court.
If a dispute arises about any guardianship issues (for example, where a child should live, where they should attend school or medical treatment), you can apply to the family court for a guardianship direction to settle a dispute between guardians.
Where there is a dispute about whether someone is the father of a child, or should be named as the father of a child, you can apply to the Court for a paternity order or for a declaration as to paternity. The Court can recommend that a DNA test is undertaken to help determine whether a man is the father of a child.
If Oranga Tamariki have become involved with your children, or children in your family, it will be important to have legal advice available to you if your situation enters the Court process. This involvement may include Care and Protection Orders or Home for Life applications or review of plans before the Court.

The Team

Sarsha Mather, LLB
Sarsha grew up in the Bay of Plenty region and began practice as a lawyer, specialising in family law in 2008. She spent some time working in Judicial Review in London before returning to the Bay of Plenty in 2014 to practice in family law again. She is now a Barrister with her office being based in Otumoetai, Tauranga.
Sarsha is appointed by the Court to represent children which is an area she is particularly interested in.
If you need advice or representation in your family court matters, please contact Sarsha directly:
Phone: 022 043 5045
Dani Maunder, Legal Secretary
Dani has worked alongside Sarsha as a legal secretary for a number of years. Prior to this, she was working as a Registrar at the Tauranga Family Court. Dani has a comprehensive understanding of the Family Court process having worked in this space since 2010. Dani can be contacted directly:

One of the things I was taught in law school is that I’d never be able to think the same again — that being a lawyer is something that’s part of who I am as an individual.
Anita Hill